January 02, 2011

It's already 2011. It's the second day. ALREADY. It's crazy how fast time passes by. 'Happy' New Year? Yeah, fingers crossed. I hope this year's better than the last, less unpleasant surprises, less hasty decisions, less mistakes and less people lost.
Here's to new beginnings. Here's to 2011.
There's not much more I can say.


  1. Hear Hear!!! I swear, I really do feel this year is going to be exceptionally brilliant.

  2. So u go ahead ...in accord with yearly calender ..
    it might lose some moments. catch new moments not year ...plz...!

  3. Im in d mood for showcasing a sizzling kingfisher calendar, but alas, too hard 2 get me hands on it! :P

    happy new year! :)
